速報APP / 教育 / Chinese Character Hero - HSK Pro

Chinese Character Hero - HSK Pro





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:535 Drive-in Rd. Napanee, On K7R 3L1 Canada

Chinese Character Hero - HSK Pro(圖1)-速報App

Do you want to massively boost your Chinese vocabulary and character recognition in a fun and interactive way? Then join thousands of users around the world learning Chinese with the Hero Method!

Chinese Character Hero - HSK Pro(圖2)-速報App

Chinese Character Hero - HSK Pro will allow you to effortlessly learn all 5000 words included in the standardized Chinese Proficiency Tests (HSK Levels 1-6). Mastering these 5000 words is a crucial step in achieving true fluency in the Chinese language. The Hero Method allows you to quickly learn Chinese characters by enforcing a recall and recognition process, essential for long-term memory.

Chinese Character Hero - HSK Pro(圖3)-速報App

Supporting both simplified characters (mainland China) and traditional characters (used primarily in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau), Logos HSK Hero Pro suits the needs of all learners of the Chinese language, from novice through to advanced.

Chinese Character Hero - HSK Pro(圖4)-速報App

With gorgeous graphics, beautifully rendered Chinese characters, and traditional Chinese instrument sound effects, Chinese Character Hero - HSK Pro is not only an incredible learning tool but also a delight to use.

Chinese Character Hero - HSK Pro(圖5)-速報App

Take your Chinese to the next level! Get Chinese Character Hero - HSK Pro today!

Chinese Character Hero - HSK Pro(圖6)-速報App

Chinese Character Hero - HSK Pro(圖7)-速報App